
Having a cat and a dog at the same time, how do they get along?


Having a cat and a dog at the same time, how do they get along?

In fact, many owners who have a cat or a dog in their homes are actually eager to raise another cat and dog in their hearts, and still hope that they can be raised, but in fact, is it okay to raise another cat and dog? Can cats and dogs be mixed?

In fact, it is possible, but there are some things that need to be paid attention to, otherwise it will easily lead to disharmony between the two little guys.

First of all, it is necessary to understand the habits of cats and dogs. The way cats and dogs express their emotions are very different. The dog stretches out its paws to show friendliness, but it is provocative to watch the house in the cat's eyes; the dog is a social animal, outgoing and loves to join in the fun, more honest and loyal and obeys the master's command, the cat is a solitary animal, with a solitary, aloof and slippery nature. No one can be forced to do what they want.

Not to mention cats and dogs, there is also a running-in period between cats and cats. Compared with dogs, cats are more timid, vigilant and hostile. You can try the combination of kittens and dogs. Generally, dogs are more enthusiastic and cheerful. , but unfortunately I tried the combination of the little milk dog and the arrogant cat. The little guy licked it enthusiastically. The guy didn't want to talk to anyone for a few days, but the noise at the beginning was certain.


When everyone gradually finds that there is no threat to each other, they will get better. The most important thing is that if you fight at the beginning, you must be fair as the master, especially old friends should take good care of them. Don't let him feel left out, otherwise he will be little Guys are so jealous.

The reason why cats and dogs don’t get along well is because of the difference in expression. Cats like to purr sweetly when they express their happiness, while dogs think that purring is a warning signal. Dogs wagging their tails are usually friendly, while tail wagging means cats express dissatisfaction. The way.

Despite this, they all have a few things in common, that is, they are both human pets and rely on human feeding to live. In many families, cats and dogs not only get along well, but also become inseparable good friends. , so they all have to obey human constraints and behavioral norms. The faithfulness of dogs and the cuteness of cats all bring endless fun and warmth to our beloved pets and your family life.


Cats and dogs are both pets in the house, but they seem to be at odds with each other. Dogs like to chase cats, cats get scared when they see dogs, and their tail hairs stand up. Dogs chasing cats can be said to be one of the joys in all dog life. Although the chances of success are small, they still enjoy it.

The vast majority of dogs don't really have dangerous thoughts, and even if they occasionally catch up with cats, they just bark happily. It's just that in the process, the cat may be in danger because of being frightened, and the two galloping little guys may smash furniture, break cups or even hurt people's knees.

When the cat escapes, the dog likes to chase after it excitedly. In fact, all activities, the dog loves to chase. Careful owners should arrange an escape route for the cat, such as the top of the cabinet, or a small door that only cats can pass through, and arrange the cat's rice bowl and toilet in a high place or a place isolated from the dog. Smart cats know that they have a safe way out, and they will be more at ease and forgiving when they get along with dogs.

When cats and dogs meet for the first time, the dog will usually take the initiative to approach the cat, but the adult cat is absolutely unable to accept the warm reception method of the dog, and even hurts the dog with its paws, which will arouse the dog's disgust and lead to a feud between the two sides. Generally speaking, whether it is an adult cat or a dog, the vigilance is relatively strong. On the contrary, kittens and puppies are relatively simple and easy to get along with.

So, when you want to have both a cat and a dog, be sure to ask for one of them to be young. And, when they start living together, it's best to keep the dog on a leash, keep a certain distance from the cat, and let the dog go after they become familiar with each other's scents.

Of course, if they are all kittens and puppies, it would be even better. You don't have to worry about the owner. They will accompany you in harmony for life. Dogs have a strong sense of territory. If a dog comes to a family with a cat, It will think that it has invaded the cat's territory, so it is more respectful to the cat.


You can let the two adapt to each other by insisting on walking the dog every day, but when you walk the dog, let the cat out and let the cat know that there is still a dog member in the family. The same is true for dogs, but you don't need to do anything special, as long as the cat has been here, the dog nose will definitely know. Pay attention to this step and stick to it for at least a week.

When introducing unfamiliar cats and dogs, use a chain to control the dog. Let the cat smell the dog if he likes, but don't let the dog run over the cat or force the cat to approach the dog. Whenever the dog gets too close to the cat, tighten the leash immediately. If it knows how to keep its distance, reward it in time. Let the dog understand that keeping a distance from the cat is one of the house rules that must be followed.

The pet cats and dogs that are acquired later must be isolated first so that they can familiarize themselves with the environment. Cats, in particular, are always hostile to dogs. Dogs are better, especially big dogs, who disdain to deal with cats. Only puppies like to chase cats. Inside, let it be familiar with the ground first, and don't let it know that there is a dog.

Cats are territorial animals, and once they are familiar with the territory, they will not run away easily. Otherwise, the dog will probably never return home.

Not all cats and dogs are suitable together, and adult dogs with strong hunting instincts may pose a threat, so some breeds of dogs and cats should be especially cautious. Large dogs that have been used for racing and hunting usually hunt small animals as objects.

So these are all things to pay attention to when raising, so do you want to raise a cat and a dog? Which do you prefer, cats and dogs? If they are raised together, can you not be partial to either side?

In fact, there will be contradictions even between people, let alone cats and dogs, so don't force them to get along peacefully in a short period of time. After all, it takes time to get to know and get familiar with.

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writer and blogger, founder of Free uBook .

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